Wednesday, August 28, 2013


"I get carried away, carried away, from you
When I'm hoping and I'm praying,
Cause I'm sorry, sorry 'bout that.
Sorry 'bout things that I've said.
Always let it get to my head..."

Lolita Oleander
Life lately has been pretty good. Stops, looks around and is grateful for everything. I have been laughing more and feeling so much love from my family and friends. It's very hard not to be all mush and lovey right back. I have a super cool older SL brother, a lovely silly and amazing SL sister. My love Takeo and our children, Raven, Jorge and Brooke. Also a ton of extended family that I can't wait to get to know better. *smiles*

My goal for the rest of the week is to clean my inventory and get ready for this next round of The Arcade Gatcha Festival. I'm so excited!

What I'm listening to.
Check out this tune and enjoy it with me.
Passion Pit- Carried Away

Lolita Oleander

What I’m wearing:
Hair: Truth - Kerri
Eyes: IKON
Skin: Pink Fuel - Harley
Earrings: Yummy - Michelle Pearl Set
Top: - Looking around blouse
Jeans: Blueberry - Bow Capris Denim
Hands & Feet: SLINK
Shoes: SSD - Vixen Leather Stiletto Sandals
Pose: !bang

Love Quote of the Day:
Love is the difficult realization that something other than oneself is real.
Iris Murdoch

Tuesday, August 27, 2013



The Oleander Fall Home

Strawberry Singh’s blog meme this week is all about Exploring Second Life. If you haven’t already you should check out her blog HERE. Meme Instructions: Share 1 to 5 of your favorite places on the grid. Share places you think everyone should visit and also tell us why they are your favorites.

1. My number #1 favorite place to be in SL is of course OUR HOME. We just recently had the seasons change on our land and it's the pretty colors of fall. *happy sigh*

2. My number #2 favorite place to explore or visit in SL would be DePaul University. This place is amazing! It's a great place to take your SL family or a group of friends. They have so much to do here. Horse back riding, bike racing, treasure hunting, great places to play hide and go seek, paintball, and so much more.

3. My number #3 favorite place to explore or visit in SL would be Club Zero. My Takeo use to DJ there and we like the music a lot. When we want to go listen and dance to some great songs we get in the car and he takes me out dancing. The type of music is Industrial.

4. My number #4 favorite place to explore or visit in SL would be Wanderstill, Ode. I love this place for so many reasons. It's beautiful and the flowers just make me happy. It's also the place my Takeo asked me to marry him. *smiles*

5. My number #5 favorite place to explore or visit in SL would be HuMaNoiD. This is a great place to explore and take pretty pictures. Little spots to go sit and relax. In the center are doors that take you to out of the way places with great ambiance. If you've never been here you must go explore.

Lolita Oleander

What I'm listening to.
Check out this tune and enjoy it with me.
PLAN B - Te Dijeron

What I’m wearing:
Hair: Truth - Portia
Eyes: IKON
Skin: Pink Fuel - Harley
Necklace: Maxi Gossamer - Key To My Heart
Earrings: Erratic - Hoop earrings
Top: The Secret Store -Elsa Ruffle Shirt
Jeans: Maitreya - Mesh Flare jeans
Hands & Feet: SLINK
Shoes: SSD - Vixen Leather Stiletto Sandals
Pose: !bang

Love Quote of the Day:
The one thing we can never get enough of is love. And the one thing we never give enough is love.
Henry Miller

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Lolita Oleander

Strawberry Singh’s blog meme this week is all about Our SecondLife Groups. If you haven’t already you should check out her blog HERE. Meme Instructions: Answer the following questions about groups and share some of your favs with us.

1. Have you reached the 42 group limit?
Yes. As of today August 20, 2013 I am in 36 out of 42 groups right now.

2. Do you do a lot of group hopping to keep up with all the groups you want to stay a part of?
Not really. At first I was just excited to get more group space and I might have joined a bunch of groups I really didn't need to be in. Mostly DJ groups and a few stores. Once I learned what I actually wanted and needed to be a part of I cleaned up my groups. Also about that time subscribers showed up and they take no group space at all so I would join those and leave the SecondLife Group.

3. What makes you want to join a group?
*Thinking* The last group I joined was a store group that instantly gave me a cute gift and discounts. So I guess that's a reason why I would join a group.
My favorite group right now I would have to say is my family group. I would want to join that group because we have cute and loving titles in it. We have made cute ones for the kids that they love using. Takeo and I have love ones we've made for each other. I think that's one of the best parts about being in that group. *smiles* I also have to add some people are super creative about the titles they create and come up with. I'm sure you've all seen them while out shopping and dancing. Some also make me cringe and laugh but in the end it was entertaining.

4. A lot of store VIP groups have a group fee which you have to pay to join. How do you feel about paying group fees?
I've joined VIP group before because I really really really wanted a gift they had out. I've recently had a store close that I was a VIP member of and the start price was pretty high. So I will always give it a second thought before I join those groups again.

5. Name a few groups that you are a part of that you feel everyone should look into joining and share your reasons behind that.
Oh this is hard. I don't know the answer to this one. I like being in a couple of store groups for the discounts and gifts. The one I've been using a lot is What Next VIP group.

What I'm listening to.
Check out this tune and enjoy it with me.
Mr. Little Jeans - The Suburbs (Arcade Fire Cover)

Lolita Oleander

What I’m wearing:
Hair: Truth - Jade
Hair Flowers: !Ohmai - Kun hair roses
Eyes: IKON
Skin: Pink Fuel - Harley
Bracelet: W&B -Diamond & Pearl Bracelet Stack
Earrings: Yummy - Michelle Pearl Set
Dress: Zenith - Dolly Dresses
Hands & Feet: SLINK
Shoes: SLINK - Slink Boudoir Slippers LDF White
Pose: !bang

Love Quote of the Day:
Love is like a faucet, it turns off and on.
Billie Holiday

Sunday, August 18, 2013


I saw this YouTube today (you have to watch it) and the first thing I wanted to do is download The cassius - I love U So free application. I want to get all my family and friends on a funny video singing this song now. *giggles* Just for fun and being artistic. I hope you all had an amazing weekend. I sure did. *hugs*

Lolita Oleander

What I'm listening to.
Check out this tune and enjoy it with me.
Cassius - I Love You So

Lolita Oleander

What I’m wearing:
Hair: Truth - Lyma
Eyes: IKON
Skin: Pink Fuel - Harley
Necklace: EarthStones - Tumbled Stone Jewelry
Earrings: EarthStones -Tumbled Stone Earrings
Vest: Pumpkin - Fringe vest
Shirt: DeeTaleZ
Shorts: Fashionably Dead -Scallop Shorts
Hands & Feet: SLINK
Anklets: Maitreya Gold - Beads
Shoes: MiaMai - Irene leather pumps peep toe
Pose: !bang

Love Quote of the Day:
Imagination is at the root of much that passes for love.
Gilbert Parker

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


"This is my confessional..."

Lolita Oleander

Strawberry Singh’s blog meme this week is all about Our Inventory. If you haven’t already you should check out her blog HERE. Meme Instructions: Copy and paste the questions and answers below, delete my answers and input your own. Don’t forget to leave a comment with your link so I can come by and read it!

1. What is your current inventory number? – 57,629

2. If you had to delete your whole inventory and could only keep one thing, what would it be? – Truth hair folder.

3. What is the last thing you purchased? – Family poses from {THREEBIRDS POSES}

4. Which item do you wear most often? – My SLINK hands and feet.
I just love them and always have them on.

5. When you search for the word penis, how many items pop up? Zero

What I'm listening to.
Check out this tune and enjoy it with me.
Nikki Williams - Glowing

What I’m wearing:
Hair: Truth - Tymber
Eyes: IKON
Skin: Pink Fuel - Harley
Bracelet: W&B -Diamond & Pearl Bracelet Stack
Bracelett: ASO - Leather Bracelett
Earrings: Yummy - Michelle Pearl Set
Top: {mon tissu} - Collared Shirt
Shorts: Fashionably Dead -Scallop Shorts
Hands & Feet: SLINK
Shoes: Lassitude & Ennui - Signature sandals
Pose: !bang

Love Quote of the Day:
A part of kindness consists in loving people more than they deserve.
Joseph Joubert

Saturday, August 10, 2013


Lolita Oleander

Natalee Oodles offered a challenge to us in honor of Millie Gears who recently passed away unexpectedly. It's called "Challenge Yourself: Be Thankful & Improve." As I wander around our property I often think of how grateful and thankful I am to have a great many things in my life. Family and friends being at the top of my list. Recently my family has grown and I can not tell you how happy my heart has been. Which makes me think of the second part of the challenge to myself. Improve. I will make sure not to take for granted those people that call me family and friends. I just want you all to know that I am glad to call you my friends. I am glad to have met you. I'm glad that we have memories and will be making many others together.

What I'm listening to.
Check out this tune and enjoy it with me.
Gabrielle Aplin - Start of Time

Lolita Oleander

What I’m wearing:
Hair: Truth - Juliette
Eyes: IKON
Skin: Pink Fuel - Harley
Bracelet: ASO! - Alphabet Bracelettes
Top: Baiastice - Gareth Trousers
Pants: Baiastice - Lari Halter Neck Top
Hands & Feet: SLINK
Pose: !bang

Love Quote of the Day:
Love dies only when growth stops.
Pearl S. Buck

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Strawberry Singh’s blog meme this week is all about the Zodiac. If you haven’t already you should check out her blog HERE. Meme instructions: Copy and paste the following questions and answers into your post.

Lolita Oleander

1. What is your birthday and/or Zodiac sign?
My birthday is May 13th, therefore I am a Taurus.

2. Do you believe in or follow astrology?

3. Do you feel your sign’s attributes reflect who you are?
I don’t memorize what my attributes and there are so many renditions that on giving days when I read one I can see a little part of me in what they say a Taurus is. After reading and time passes I forget what they are again until the next time someone does a meme or I’m at a Chinese restaurant reading the placemat that tells me my Chinese zodiac. I was born in the year of the Horse.

4. Have you ever been to a psychic or astrologer either in RL or in SL?
Nope never been to either in RL or SL.

I did one Halloween play in a college fair event a palm reading Gypsy. I had no idea what I was doing I just looked at many hands and told them they were, lucky, showed a long life line and I could see a promising future in the upcoming weeks.

5. Do you read your horoscope daily and try to follow any advice, recommendations or warnings it may have for you that day?
I never look up my horoscope. One of my coworkers checks the news paper daily for hers all the time. If I’m around when she opens the new paper I will ask her if I can see mine but most of the time it makes no sense in connection to my life that I can see. If anything warned me like, “Don’t go on any long distance trips this weekend.” And I was going out of town and planned it. I’d still go out of town.

6. Do you have very strong feelings about astrology, either negative or positive?
Nope my feelings aren’t strong. I think its fun. I like the random meme’s on Plurk “Let us see if your sign matches you?” or let me see who it tells me my best love match connection is.

What I'm listening to.
Check out this tune and enjoy it with me.
Selena Gomez - Stars Dance

What I’m wearing:
Hair: Truth - Soleil
Hair Flowers: BOOM - Tiare Hair Flower
Eyes: IKON
Skin: Pink Fuel - Harley
Necklace: .Olive. the Mine! - Zodiac Necklace
Necklace: [The Forge] - Boadicea's Necklace
Jacket: COCO - Cropped Biker Jacket

Love Quote of the Day:
Love is a fruit in season at all times, and within reach of every hand.
Mother Teresa

Sunday, August 4, 2013


"Sunlight comes creeping in
Illuminates our skin
We watch the day go by
Stories of all we did
It made me think of you..."

I know I say this all the time but this is my new favorite outfit. *smiles* I just love the new painted rustic bangles from +Half-Deer+. I had to have them all so pretty! I've always loved the shorts and my new top is so cute! Even my new key necklace from KOSH makes me happy. I hope you all had a great weekend.

Lolita Oleander

What I'm listening to.
Check out this tune and enjoy it with me.
Birdy - Wings

Lolita Oleander

What I’m wearing:
Hair: Truth - Lucia
Eyes: IKON
Skin: Pink Fuel - Harley
Bracelet: +Half-Deer+ - Painted Rustic Bangles
Bracelet: BOOM - Friendship Bracelet
Top: **M+M** - Peplum Tunic
Shorts: Tee*fy - Aimee Tailored Ribbon Shorts
Hands & Feet: SLINK
Anklets: Maitreya Gold - Beads
Shoes: SLINK - Aussie Thongs
Pose: !bang
Merry Go Round: {what next}
- Adventure Playground Roundabout

Love Quote of the Day:
Love is what you've been through with somebody.
James Thurber

Friday, August 2, 2013


This Saturday August 3, 2013 at 8pm SLT SET invites you to hop on a carpet and fly...
ARABIAN NIGHTS: Tales of the Desert
S E T Soundstage [Exclusive themed nights @ Boystown]

I've been dancing around my land almost all day getting ready for Saturday night. *shakes my hips* Get dressed up in the theme ARABIAN NIGHTS and join me in dancing Saturday night. Everyone is super nice and it's a lot of fun! Hope to see you there.

Lolita Oleander

What I'm listening to.
Check out this tune and enjoy it with me.
Dead Can Dance - The Ubiquitous Mr. Lovegrove

Lolita Oleander

Lolita Oleander

What I’m wearing:
Hair: Truth - Georgina
Face Jewels and Veil: ~Soedara~ - Mystique Seductress Face jewel &veil Earth
Eyes: IKON
Skin: Pink Fuel - Harley
Tattoo: [HUZ] - Oriental
Necklace: Maxi Gossamer - Seluku
Necklace: [The Forge] - Boadicea's
Hand Jewelery: Zaara - Nizam Haath-phool (hand-jewel)
Dress: Wishbox - Arabella
Hands & Feet: SLINK
Couple Pose: Fly Lily

Love Quote of the Day:
Love is what you've been through with somebody.
James Thurber

Thursday, August 1, 2013


Takeo and I celebrated our two and a half year anniversary today. *happy sigh* He surprised me by making me a Youtube song with our pictures attached to it and I've linked it below. Today was a very perfect day.

Takeo and Lolita Oleander
*points down*
This is my gift for today from my Takeo. *Smiles*
I just love it and I'm glad I can share it with you.

What I'm listening to.
Check out this tune and enjoy it with me.
Phillip Phillips- Home (Second Life Version)

Takeo and Lolita Oleander

What I’m wearing:
Hair: Truth - Jade
Hair Flowers: !Ohmai - Kun hair roses
Eyes: IKON
Skin: Pink Fuel - Harley
Necklace: Tableau Vivant - Keyring necklace
Bracelet: W&B -Diamond & Pearl Bracelet Stack
Bracelet: Mstyle -Ribbon Bracelet
Dress: Mutresse - Lili Sheer Blouse & Skirt
Hands & Feet: SLINK
Couple Pose: oOo Studio

Love Quote of the Day:
Knowledge is love and light and vision.
Helen Keller